#134 Culture Days Etobicoke 2020

Culture Days Etobicoke

There was a time when “the Arts” were strictly aimed at specific groups. Those that could stare for hours on end at a single brush stroke on a piece of canvas. Luckily we are now embracing the arts like never before with various events throughout the year attended by both young and old alike. Culture Days is one such event and Etobicoke is an active participant.

Culture Days is a Canada-wide initiative that “invites everyone to explore, discover and participate in arts and culture in every community across the country”. Over a million and a half people participated last year and the number is expected to grow in 2020. The ninth annual event features numerous hands-on interactive activities that encourages the public to “discover the world of artists, creators, historians, architects, curators, and designers at work in their community”. Culture Days will take place September 27th to September 29th.

What is happening on these days in Etobicoke specifically? “Everything” is one word that would describe it. Lakeshore Arts will be creating a cardboard town out of recycled materials in Mimico Square. Sirius Theatrical Company will be hosting Family Improv Games. Taste Portuguese Cuisine will be teaching wine making. There is so much more that we couldn’t possibly list it all out. Here are only a few of the things happening on the Culture Days weekend in Etobicoke:

Legends of Lakeshore Unveiling
Etobicoke Youth Choir
Calligraphy Culture
Rhythm of Latin Vibe
Move & Meditate
Welcome to World Music
Get your Shaker On
Community Tapestry
Kids Improv
Park Parade
Movie Masks
Chalk of Fame!
Movie in the Park
Feltro! Creative Play
Cultural Elements: Artist Closing Reception
Zumba – Sense of Empowerment Dance
Aboriginal Community Celebration
Art Drop-in: Nature on Paper
The Art of Henna Crafts, Design
Masks from around the world
Fold & Transform! An Origami Workshop
Autumn Wreaths
Unity Patterns Sidewalk Chalk Mural
Building Session with a Lego Master Builder
Polymer Clay Workshop
Mini Fairies Magic
Asylum Theatre
Etobicoke Lakeshore: Cultures of Ecology And so much more… visit the Culture Days website here!

While Nuit Blanche takes a huge spotlight in the city of Toronto, and rightfully so, Culture Days isn’t too far behind. With events happening all weekend there is plenty for you to choose from. So grab your entire family and let’s celebrate the arts in Etobicoke at Culture Days!

Culture Days: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE: Lake Shore Boulevard West, Etobicoke, ON
PHONE: 416-646-7469
WHEN: Friday September 27th, Saturday September 28th, and Sunday September 29th, 2020
WEBSITE: on.culturedays.ca

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