#213 Lemonade for Love

Lemonade for Love

When you look back on your own life or the lives of others you’ll always find that the most successful endeavours usually begin from a happy and well-meaning place. A perfect example of this is Lemonade for Love.

The fourth annual Lemonade for Love takes place the morning of Saturday June 23 2018 at Fairfield Park. What started as a lovely idea from a child with a small lemonade stand has grown into something even more wonderful. The event is run by school-aged kids with their parents helping out along the way. Every year the sponsorships grow and the money raised continues to rise as well with $6,600 donated to charity last year alone. The main goal remains the same from that first little lemonade stand and that is that any money raised is donated to a charity that supports children.

Lemonade Stand

So what can you expect at Lemonade for Love? In addition to lots of smiling faces there’ll be treats, some amazing raffles, muffins, games, music, activities, and of course, sweet lemonade. The event is so well-attended and the money raised is important but another great byproduct is that it shows kids that really, they can do anything. By volunteering and helping out in the community special things can happen. It’s really an important message that is well-received by those attending.

So make your way over to Fairfield Park and get ready to support these great kids as they raise funds for children’s causes at Lemonade for Love in Etobicoke.

Lemonade for Love: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE:    Fairfield Park – 90 Lothian Avenue Etobicoke, ON M8Z 4S3
WHEN:    Saturday June 23rd 2018: 9am-12pm
WEBSITE:    www.lemonadeforlove.ca

Tell them 365Etobicoke.com sent you! Remember to “Like” Lemonade for Love on our Facebook page if you in fact, do like it. This will help determine the top 10 things to do in Etobicoke each year.


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