#206 GARDENS Pod Project

GARDENS Pod Project

There is something inspiring about individuals who volunteer their time and energy to making our community a better place. It’s even more inspirational when they are teaching a valuable life skill like growing your own food. This is what the GARDENS Pod Project in Etobicoke is all about.

GARDENS, which stands for the “Green Artisan Retailers & Designers Environmental Networking Space” is “an umbrella group of individuals and groups from Ward 6 committed to the provision and maintenance of community gardens in South Etobicoke”. Working together with LAMP Community Health Centre and Humber College the goal is to create a framework that creates “food security support for low-income earners, lone-parent families, seniors, people living on fixed-incomes, and people with disabilities living in the area”. With any such grand scale project such as this you have to start off “small”. We used quotes here because what the GARDENS Pod Project in such a small period of time is nothing short of astonishing.

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Working towards the “big vision” the GARDENS Pod Project selects locations to host module pods in the community. The three classifications of pods are made up of “an organization pod (hosted and managed by a business or an organization), a residential pod (residents interested sharing produce) and a community pod”. We attended a recent “community planting” and the enthusiasm of not only the area residents that attended but also the volunteers themselves was awe-inspiring. We don’t all have “green thumbs” so at each event there are several gardening “gurus” that teach attendees how to plant and maintain the pods. The ultimate goal of course is to expand and create sustainable community gardens that produce food security.

We encourage all of you to visit the GARDENS Pod Project website below to see how you can get involved today. Let’s help Etobicoke grow!

GARDENS Pod Project: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE:    Various locations throughout Etobicoke
PHONE:    Contact Page
WHEN:    Various dates throughout the year.
WEBSITE:    www.gardenslakeshore.ca

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