#89 Mimico Minor Lacrosse Club

Mimico Minor Lacrosse

If you were to mix in equal parts ice hockey and basketball you’ll most likely come up with Lacrosse. That may be an over simplification of it and may not entirely be accurate but I can guarantee you this much, the energy required to play the sport is substantial. Just ask current players at the Mimico Lacrosse Club in Etobicoke.

The Mimico Lacross Club was founded way back in 1890 and is one of the oldest Lacrosse clubs in Canada. Mimico Minor Lacrosse has experienced an increase in interest year after year since the early 1990s with the proliferation of professional lacrosse leagues. Those kids who find soccer a bit too tame or ice hockey to restrictive in terms of finding practice ice seem to gravitate toward lacrosse. And why wouldn’t they? Lacrosse has the coolest equipment of any sport. Just watch them as try out new ways to pass the ball around.

The Mimico Minor Lacrosse club has leagues for every age group (boys up to 17 and girls up to 19). With houseleage and “rep” leagues available no child will be left wondering if they’re good enough to play. Games are played out of two arenas that are extremely close to each other which makes planning driving schedules very convenient (Mimico Arena and Long Branch Arena).

If you’re looking for a fun sport league in Etobicoke that your son or daughter can play in consider the Mimico Minor Lacrosse Club.

Mimico Minor Lacrosse Club: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE: Mimico Arena – 31 Drummond St. Etobicoke, ON M8V 2V7
Longbranch Arena – 75 Arcadian Circle Etobicoke, ON M8W 2Y4
WHEN: Registration takes place at Mimico Arena for the 2012 season: Jan 17 7pm-9pm, Jan 18 7pm-9pm, and Jan 21 9:30am-12pm. Visit the Mimico Lacrosse Club website below for more info.
WEBSITE: www.mimicolacrosse.com

View Mimico Arena in a larger map

View Long Branch Arena in a larger map

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