#20 Far East Chinese Food

Far East Chinese Food

Everyone knows a take-out joint like this. A place where the decor is non-existent, the service leaves a lot to be desired, and yet the food is so good! This describes Far East Chinese Food in Etobicoke to a tee.

Far East Chinese Food, located at 137 Martin Grove Road (Martin Grove and Burnhamthorpe), isn’t the fanciest of chinese take-out joints. Trying to get the attention of the sole cashier who is usually in the back packing other people’s orders is sometimes an exercise in futility and yet it is still the first place I order from when I’m in the mood for chinese food. They have improved their phone answering abilities considerably as it used to take five or six tries in the past. I still recommend ordering early if hoping for Saturday dinner at 7pm. They offer a percentage off the final price if paying by cash.

Recommended fare at Far East is definitely the Cantonese Chow Mein. The taste of the breaded items tend to blend together and sometimes hard to discern one dish from the other but if you had to pick one I’d go with the sweet and sour chicken balls. I also think that it’s an acquired taste as people that I have introduced to Far East seem to reply with “it’s alright” and yet those in the know rave about it. It’s all in the eye of the beholder I guess.

If you’re in the area you might want to give Far East Chinese Food a try at least once. Just make sure you have plenty of battery power on your smartphone as you’ll be using it alot while you wait for your order.

WHERE: 137 Martin Grove Road (Martin Grove and Burnhamthorpe), Etobicoke, ON M9B 4K8, 416-231-3387
WHEN: Call Far East for pickup or takeout. Closed Mondays.
WEBSITE: None available.

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  1. Had Far East last night for dinner. It’s great chinese food. I can’t get over how the sweet and sour chicken balls are so different from everywhere else. Love ’em.

  2. Will try the next time I’m in the area. Was wondering how it could do business in a small intersection like that. It’s not MSG free is it.

    • I believe it’s been at that location for over 20 years so it’s well-supported by area residents. As for MSG, I’m not sure. It doesn’t say “MSG free” on the menu.

  3. MSG is not a dangerous compound contrary to popular belief. It has been consumed in one form or another for thousands of years. Old wives tale that it is harmful. MSG has been proven safe by numerous scientific tests.

  4. It’s been in that location for WAY more than 20 years. I have just sold our family home of 55 years, and I don’t remember Far East ever not being there. The Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls are the best I have ever had, and we still crave them! It’s been a longstanding tradition in our house for birthdays and special occasions to order from Far East.

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