#116 Lytton Park Tennis Camps

Lytton Park Tennis

Nedal, Williams, Federer, Sharapova. They all discovered their love of the game somewhere. Perhaps your child will do the same at Lytton Park Tennis Camps.

Lytton Park Tennis Camps have five locations across Toronto including Bloor West Village, which is located at the James Gardens Tennis Club in Etobicoke. Whether your child is 4 or 16, whether they are a veteran of the game or just starting out, they’ll have a program geared for your child. Unlike many other sports organizations Lytton Park Tennis Camps not only teaches their students tennis skills, but also sportsmanship and etiquette. “These skills are reinforced continuously while campers are participating in organized drills, match play and fun tennis games”.

Truth be told, the friendly instructors at Lytton Park Tennis Camps are less interested in developing the next John McEnroe and more into developing a healthy, active, and fun experience for your child. The instructors are enthusiastic about teaching your child the fundamental aspects of the game and with three to six students for every teacher, every child will get the attention they need to improve. Focusing on court awareness, footwork skills, stroke work, and more, your child will benefit tremendously at the camps. Lytton Park Tennis Camps offers several programs throughout the year so visit their site today.

The people behind Lytton Park Tennis Camps have two goals in mind. To improve your child’s tennis game and to make them a better person while doing it. Thank goodness they have a location right here in Etobicoke.

Lytton Park Tennis Camps: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE:    James Gardens Tennis Club, 244 Edenbridge Drive, Etobicoke, ON M9A 3G9
PHONE:    647-710-9739
WHEN:    Visit website for program schedule.
WEBSITE:    www.lyttonparktennis.com

Lytton Park Tennis Camps Map
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