#146 Curling at Weston Golf and Country Club

Weston Curling Club

I’ve only curled a few times in my life but each time has been fun and memorable. However, after some recent exposure to curling at Weston Golf and Country Club in Etobicoke, I’ve been thinking long and hard about signing up for a Weston curling club membership and I’m not alone.

Weston Golf and Country Club is located at 50 St. Phillip’s Road and is a beautiful piece of property. The recently renovated clubhouse, while upscale, is very inviting. Every employee that I encountered on my visit was super-courteous, friendly, and very helpful. From the dining areas with serene views of the rolling hills of the golf course to the change-rooms with dark wooden lockers, every inch of the clubhouse was spotless and you can tell that a lot of planning went into every detail. The rink houses six curling sheets of immaculate ice all under a wooden rafter roof. It’s easy to spend several enjoyable hours at the Weston Golf and Country Club. On a typical Sunday members can curl in a match or two, stay for lunch, and then hang out and relax with a beverage while watching a football game in the clubhouse.

The great thing about Weston curling club is that it’s an all-encompassing membership. Whether you are a novice or experienced curler, young or old, wanting to play often or just a little, Weston curlingCurling has you covered. For the beginner Weston offers a “Learn to Curl” program with both off-ice and on-ice lessons. They have men’s leagues and ladies leagues as well as mixed and there are afternoon sessions where you can bring your kids. Weston offers several curling membership options depending on your level of commitment. Don’t be afraid if you’re a beginner! There are two things that people who curl for the first time say about the sport. The first is that it’s harder than it looks. The second, and more importantly, is that it’s a lot more fun than it looks too!

In the days that followed as I was telling friends of my visit to the Weston curling club the reaction was always the same. It was something along the lines of “Curling? I’ve curled before and it was so much fun. We should go!” If you’re looking to get into a sport that offers friendly competition and a great atmosphere call Weston Golf and Country Club and inquire about their curling membership. You may be a member for life!

Weston Curling Club: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE: 50 St. Phillip’s Road Etobicoke, ON M9P 2N6, 416-241-5254
WHEN: Various – Contact the club for details
WEBSITE: www.westongolfcc.com/westoncurling

Weston Golf and Country Club Map
View Weston Golf and Country Club in a larger map

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