#120 Franklin Horner Community Centre

Franklin Horner Community Centre

Most of us didn’t have the stuff kids have now growing up. Things like video games, a thousand channel universe, and the Internet. We needed an outlet to keep us active and entertained and community centres played a big role in our upbringing. There still is a great need for places like the Franklin Horner Community Centre in Etobicoke today despite all the electronic distractions.

Franklin Horner Community Centre is located at 432 Horner Avenue and offers not only kids but the entire community a safe and friendly environment to meet, socialize, and stay active. Being a registered non-profit charitable organization, Franklin Horner hosts cultural dances, bands and chorus groups, sports programs, yoga, chess clubs, historical societies, after school basketball programs and fundraising event. All of these activities are geared towards children, teens, and families. There is also a very healthy and active seniors club with fitness programs, lunch and learns, and craft classes. As you can see there is no shortage of “things to do” at the Franklin Horner Community Centre.

In addition to the many events taking place at the Centre, Franklin Horner also plays host to the annual Family Fun Fair Extravaganza. “Fun for all ages”, the Extravaganza features a bbq with burgers and hot dogs as well as food from around the world. A beer and wine garden for the adults. Live bands and buskers entertaining throughout the day and vendors selling their wares. And of course there will be plenty to do for kids with face painting, games, balloons, a reptile ranch, puppet and magic shows, and much more.

Organizations like the Franklin Horner Community Centre are vital to the community and they’re always looking for new members and support. If you’re looking for something fun to do don’t forget to join in the fun at the annual Family Fun Fair Extravaganza!

Franklin Horner Community Centre: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE:    432 Horner Avenue (between Kipling Avenue and Brown’s Line), Etobicoke, ON M8W 2B2
PHONE:    416-252-6822
WHEN:    Extravaganza 13: Saturday September 9th, 2017 11:00am – 5:00pm
WEBSITE:    www.franklinhorner.org

Franklin Horner Community Centre Map
View Franklin Horner Community Centre in a larger map

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