#162 Canadian Toy Collectors Society Toy Show 2018

Canadian Toy Collectors Society

Despite our advancing ages we all remember the toys we played as with kids. Smiles run across our faces when we see a toy we recognize at a garage sale or on television. So imagine the joy experienced when attending the Canadian Toy Collectors Society Toy Show and being presented with toys, dolls, and games from yesteryear to today.

Canada’s Greatest Collector’s Toy Show is put on by the CTCS which stands for the Canadian Toy Collectors Society. The goal of this not-for-profit association is to “promote interest in the collection and display of all types of toys and related childhood memorabilia and to acquire and maintain a collection of Canadian toys of historic importance”. Members meet monthly on a variety of topics involving toy collecting and also donate to children’s charities. And yes, the CTCS also puts on a toy show every year.

The 46th Annual Toy Show and Sale takes place on October 14th at the Etobicoke Olympium and is great for all ages from little kids as young as 1 to seniors. So what’s at the show? Everything you can think of. You’ll find toys such as Meccano where collectors display the amazing sets they have built. Die cast cars from the early century to the latest Hot Wheels. Barbie in her many different outfits depending on the career she had. Dolls, wooden toys, stuffed animals. Coca Cola memorabilia is always a big hit. Board games and books in pristine condition. And of course the stuff I played with as a kid such as GI Joe, Masters of the Universe, and Transformers. I want to stress that you will find it all at this Toy Show.

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So come out to the Canadian Toy Collectors Society Toy Show. No matter if you’re a serious collector or looking for something fun to do on a Sunday, whether you are young or old, seeing all these toys will bring a smile to your face!

Canadian Toy Collectors Society Toy Show: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE:    Etobicoke Olympium, 590 Rathburn Road, Etobicoke, ON M9C 3T3
PHONE:    905-648-2507 (evenings only)
WHEN:    Sunday, October 14 2018: 9am to 3pm
WEBSITE:    www.ctcs.org/

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  1. Great review, thanks for the promotion. Looking to a great show this year, returning to Etobicoke Olympium after a one year absence. WILL BE BACK IN 2015 for our 43rd show and continue on as long as Etobicoke will have us.

    Here’s looking to a GREAT FUTURE!

    Come join US as a CTCS Member, great fun at our regular monthly meetings.

    What do you collect!

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