#174 Cultural Hotspot Etobicoke

Cultural Hotspot

For anyone who follows the art scene here in Etobicoke they know that it is one that is already bursting at the seams and is growing. For others, they may think it is non-existent. Cultural Hotspot is a program in its second year, run by the City of Toronto’s Arts & Culture in partnership with community groups. The goal of the Cultural Hotspot is to shine a light on the thriving art scene of communities across the GTA and the focus this year is on Etobicoke.

So what is the Cultural Hotspot program? The Cultural Hotspot “shines a spotlight on arts, culture and the community in Etobicoke, inspiring new ideas about where culture thrives in Toronto”. Taking place from May to October 2015 within the borders of Dixon Road south to Lake Ontario and Browns Line east to Park Lawn Road, the City of Toronto and its partners will feature a variety of projects throughout Etobicoke. Some of these projects include a traveling art installation, a theatre festival, a community senior’s dance project, murals, art exhibitions, local festivals, and more. All the while putting youth mentorship and employment at the forefront as well.

The lasting impression “will enable the local community and visitors to discover Hotspot neighbourhoods and the wonderful places within to experience arts, culture, fantastic food, heritage and parkland” in Etobicoke. To find out more about the program and how you can get involved visit www.culturalhotspot.ca.

We are excited about the focus that Cultural Hotspot will be putting on Etobicoke in 2015. We have known about Etobicoke’s fantastic art culture for years and now it’s time for the rest of Toronto to discover it as well!

Cultural Hotspot: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE:    Various.
PHONE:    416-338-1263
WHEN:    May 2015 to October 2015
WEBSITE:    www.culturalhotspot.ca

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