#68 Eighth Street Skatepark

Eighth Street Skatepark in Etobicoke

If you’ve turned on your television lately and watched the X-Games you may have noticed professional skateboarders thanking sponsors and making millions in the process. Although the chances of that happening to someone hanging out at Etobicoke’s Eighth Street Skatepark are slim, the chances of them having a great time and staying out of trouble are very, very good.

The Eighth Street Skatepark officially opened with much fanfare on July 16th 2011 and the place looks great. In attendance were ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes (who fought for many years to build this park), Jay Mandarino (owner of CJ Skateboard Park and School), and many of the area’s kids and parents. As the more skilled riders took to making jumps and riding rails, Jay was handing out free boards and giving lessons to those new to the sport. The skatepark was busy which is a good sign.

The skateboard park, or skatepark, is a site to behold. The park is located at the corner of Eighth and Birmingham Streets in Etobicoke and features a street area, handrails, quarter pipe, ledges, stairs, and a bowl which resembles a swimming pool that is empty. The park is great and even if you don’t skateboard it’s fun to watch the kids and pro-skaters attempt tricks. Some go airborne only to land square on their skateboards.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you skateboard you’ll love the Eighth Street Skatepark. Having been there to witness the opening, you can just see some dads with a glimmer in their eyes, wondering if they should get a board for themselves.

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Eighth Street Skatepark: Where and When in Etobicoke…

WHERE:    Eighth Street Park, Eighth Street and Birmingham Street (just west of Islington)
WHEN:    Daylight hours
WEBSITE:    None available.

View Eighth Street Skatepark in a larger map

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